Woodrup Chimera B.D
Our Chimera B.D was originally designed as a do anything, go anywhere low maintenance tourer/ commuter. Since then we have broadened the spectrum to offer anything from a full touring setup to a light weight clubman bike. Our chimera can be designed to cater for any riding style.

The name Chimera originates from Greece and describes a mythical creature with more than one strain of DNA. We have named our new creation this as it can be adapted to most kinds of riding and terrain. whether it be fully loaded touring or fast club rides we can design our Chimera to suite your needs.
As all our frames and bikes are fully custom built we can offer an endless range of designs and options to tailor your dream bike to your needs.

Belt Drive vs Chain
The benefits of a belt over a chain are:-
- Life - Lab testing has shown the Carbon Drive belt to last more than twice the life of chains.
- Light Weight - The entire system, 2 pulleys and a belt, weighs less than just a typical chain.
- No Stretch - The Carbon Drive belt does not stretch over time like a chain. This means you don't have to re-tension the belt, or replace the belt due to stretch. This also means no excessive wear on pulleys due to stretch.
- Smooth - The instant engagement of the Carbon Drive system gives an unparalleled smoothness that chains can't meet.
- No Noise - The Carbon Drive belt is virtually silent.
- No Lubrication - The Carbon Drive belt does not need lubrication to keep it running smooth and silent; this means no grease on your hands, socks or pants.